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In respectful memory of Dr. Chiricos. I'm so sorry to hear of his passing. I am a 1978 graduate of the (then ) School of Criminology. Dr. Chiricos was my first upper division professor in the Introduction to Criminology course. From the first day, his passion and intensity for the subject matter convinced me that I had chosen the right major to pursue. My success in the field of criminal justice is directly attributable to the start I received under Dr. Chiricos. Huge loss.

Carlos R. Dawson

Carlos R. Dawson

Dr. Chiricos,
You were my favorite professor at Florida State University. The passion and knowledge with which you taught was unmatched. I thoroughly enjoyed every class I had with you. The knowledge you have imparted succeeds you and you leave that as your legacy.

Class of 2020

Usana Sookdeo

Dr. Chiricos was the first person to congratulate me on my first publication. He stopped me in the hall and told me what a ”wonderful, wonderful accomplishment” that was. As a new grad student, I was so delighted that he knew who I was and recognized my work. I will never forget that conversation, his keen sense of humor shared in class, or his ability to tell people how it is without holding back! He remains to be such an inspiration and I consider myself so lucky to have learned from him.

Julie Kuper

Dr.C you will be greatly missed.
Class of 2009

Michelle Jenkins

I entered the FSU Criminology program in 1970, received my Bachelors, Masters, and ABD in Criminology. I took courses from Dr. Chiricos and specially appreciated how he challenged my way of thinking about society and crime and pushed my intellectual journeys and made me a better thinker. I’ve been retired 10 years having worked in the juvenile justice system and 25 years in the Florida Legislature. I worked on criminal justice, corrections, and educational committees. Thank you, Dr. Chiricos!

Ken Winker